ITC SheTrades: Promoting Gender-Responsive Public Procurement for Agricultural Products
The SheTrades: Promoting Gender-Responsive Public Procurement for Agricultural Products project aims to deliver innovative solutions to help women in agricultural value chains benefit from government procurement opportunities. The project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Implemented from December 2022 to December 2025
Project Implementation
From December 2022 until December 2025, the project will focus its efforts on Ecuador. The overall project plans to:
Identify public procurement opportunities in the agricultural sector and capacity-building needs in the selected country to address current gaps of women’s participation in government procurement;
Build capacities of public, private and civil society sectors in an attempt to enhance successful participation of women-led SMEs in public tenders;
Facilitate multi-stakeholder discussions on potential areas for policy reform and build a network;
Contribute to the improvement of the regulatory framework for gender-sensitive public procurement systems.
The project targets beneficiaries and partners including women producers and entrepreneurs, governments, women’s business associations and chambers of commerce, and research institutions, and encourages them to take part in project implementation activities such as consultations, capacity-building sessions, and conceptualization of knowledge products.
Implementing Partners
The working group composed of technical experts and representatives from countries selected have convened the first time in July 2023 to tackle the needs to be addressed in the project implementation and to layout the succeeding steps.

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